
Simon Birch :(

Ian has Morquio Syndrome, also known as MPSIVA. It affects the skeletal structure causing dwarfism. His full height is three feet, 1 inch tall. He is a a good student, likes school, sails a small boat, kayaks, swims, plays the trumpet and piano, and likes to play chess.
Was considered for the role of Kevin in The Mighty (1998) but Harvey Weinstein of Miramax decided that Ian was too young and overruled the director's request to use him. He later went on to land a similar role as the lead in Simon Birch (1998).
Is currently enrolled as an undergraduate at MIT.
Spoke at the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) annual conference in Washington, DC in 2001.
His father's name is Steve Smith.

-It is a very sad movie and it really touched my heart. Simon was a true believer of God and his faith saved him. He tells us that we should know our true meaning in this world and no matter what disease that you are