
September 23, 2011

Current News
"Be ready for a quiz"

           In Journalism class you will get to learn more about media and be familiarized of what is happening in our society.  Journalism is the fastest way of communicating others. Being a Journalist is not a joke. You should follow its rules and instructions. You will really learn a lot and experience different things. Here is my story about our Journalism class. :)

             Every Monday and Wednesday, we have our Journalism class. At first I really hated this subject because it's all  writing and news. But as we get along with it, I learned to realize that I can learn a lot of things and it is also an informative class. Our teacher in Journalism is Mr. Paul Vincent Geraño. He teaches us lessons regarding to Journalism. Before, I really find it hard to read a whole article of a news paper. But now i learned to be patient and be open minded to what is happening in our society. This class really gives me knowledge about news.  Every class, we are always having a quiz about Current News. At first my reaction was, "what? nga a haw? ahay ah!"  I am not the kind of person that is updated about news and knows what is happening in our surroundings. But, i am always keeping in mind that it is also good for me and i could gain more knowledge.  Every class, we always have our discussions and group activities that helps us widen our knowledge. I really thank ou teacher for having patients in teaching us. 
After class, i can fully say that I am so happy that we have Journalism class. Now, Newspaper is the most helpful and informative thing that we can get ideas and learn a lot of things.
 Thank you mr. Geraño for everything! :) 
We love you! :)